Rudderless (Sailing) in Seattle (video)
A Practical Guide to Rudderless Sailing (pdf)
Capsize Recovery (video) Scoop method, capsize with kite up and inverted.
Capsize Recovery (video) “California Roll” method. Note: only use this on a dinghy with a large mastead float like the Quest.
How to sail with a spinnaker on a small boat
Big Lines, Little Lines (control lines and sheets as they relate to sail trim)
LifeSling (video)
LifeSling Hoist Practice (video)
Docking: Ideal Approach Under Sail (video)
Returning to the Dock Under Power (video)
Docking Drills Under Power (video)
Departing from a Slip Under Power (video)
How to Coil and Stow Braided Lines & Rope (video)
How to Trim Sails (Carol Hasse video)
How to Trim the Headsail (Carol Hasse video)
How to Trim the Mainsail (Carol Hasse video)
How to Sail with a Spinnaker on a Small Sailboat (video)
Gybing with a Symmetric Spinnaker (article & video)
How to “Lock Through” the Hiram M. Chittenden/Ballard Locks
Seattle Area Bridges (vertical clearances, opening procedures, opening times)
U.S. Coast Guard Notice to Mariner for Washington State (current activities affecting navigation such as bridge construction, dredging, chart discrepancies, aids to navigation)
Chandleries & Parts/Supplies
Fisheries Supply (set up your Fisheries Supply Account to get the Renton Sailing Center member discount)
Just for Fun
Physics of Sailing (video)
Vixen’s Voyage (family sailing around the world)